Based on the acclaimed book "The One Minute Manager" by Ken Blanchard, this 1 day course is suitable for Manager and Leadership roles, and focusses on how three very simple techniques can make leadership a lot easier.
In House / Virtual Zoom Classroom.
Currently non-accredited.
Certificate of Completion for attending.
**This course can also be conducted as a facilitated workshop, on site, with a full team within an organisation.**
** To arrange a group booking for multiple trainees, please email **
Leadership is about "Action" and getting things done. And this course explains how three practical techniques, can help managers and leaders get the best out of their teams.
The One Minute Manager focusses on these areas -
This course helps managers and leaders to gain skills to take on challenges swiftly and effectively. It also helps them to motivate and engage their teams. Tasks get achieved more productively, and communcation becomes open and candid.
This course is suitable for all levels of management and leadership the business.
There are no prerequisites to attend this course.
Virtual Training (Zoom)
In house Group training
This is just one of a series of Management Essentials courses aimed at helping SMEs to get more from their Business, and improve standards, quality, efficiency and sustainability.